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Singer class 82


82-22#1.jpg (11741 bytes)
82-22 with submerged table mounting

82-22#2.jpg (13543 bytes)
82-22 stitching sample

82-22#3.jpg (24105 bytes)

Singer machine 82-22 for decorative stitching.

Unique decorative stitch.

Usable with double thread as shown above, or with single thread.

For ornamenting silk, cotton, and other lighweight gloves.

For striping or clocking stockings and socks.

For ornamenting lightweight clothing.


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Industrial Sewing Machine

Telephone: 503-759-4373


This page last updated May 07, 1999

Fax: 503-759-4374

E-mail: mrofini@industrialsewmachine.com

Molalla, OR 97038 USA